Thursday, April 1, 2010

Obama has fixed the economy and discovered unicorns.

Obviously fake! But where did I hear this piece of info? CNN. Yep. What is obviously an April Fools joke CNN covers.

Jesus... CNN. Don't you finish watching the videos that you cover?!

This is according to the CNN Political Blog:
In a new Web video, the GOP organization tasked with regaining control of the Senate this November, cheers Obama for solving global warming "by replacing cars with low-emission unicorns” and achieving an unemployment rate of "negative 39 percent," among other “accomplishments.”

Alright, CNN. Let's be real here. Unicorns aren't real. You guys are living in a freaking fantasy land and are unashamedly reporting on an OBVIOUS April Fools joke.

Meanwhile, Google is changing it's name to Topeka, young singer Justin Bieber is buying and you don't blink an eye!

This just in! CNN thinks Unicorns are real!


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